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Is It Cheaper to Refill Propane or Exchange?

Is It Cheaper to Refill Propane or Exchange?

Burning through your propane supply leaves you with two options: exchange your tank for a new one or go to a refill station. On the one hand, refilling requires you to visit a local refill station. You give our tank to a licensed propane expert, who does the refill on...
How Your Yard Can Benefit from Aeration

How Your Yard Can Benefit from Aeration

Lawns get compacted with prolonged use. This can be caused by walking on the lawn, and even heavy rains contribute to compacting. As a result, the surface doesn’t allow air, nutrients, and water to reach grass roots, making the lawn die out gradually. Aeration is the...

How to Recover When a Water Pipe Bursts

Winter can bring with it cold temperatures, crisp cool mornings and sometimes a burst water pipe.  It can be a small break but still a big clean up.  In some cases this may be a manageable task you can handle yourself, with the right equipment and tons of great tips. ...

Why Buy When You Can Rent

Christmas can be a hard hit to your budget.   Maybe you or someone special in your life wants or needs various pieces of equipment, but it just isn’t in the budget to buy these items right now.  Truthfully, it isn’t always practical to own every piece of equipment you...

Tips for Cutting Down Trees

Safety is the number one concern when cutting down trees.  If you feel unsure about cutting down a tree you should hire a professional.  However, if you are comfortable with the task, this article gives great tips and tricks to follow in order to have the safest plan...
Plumbing Jobs you can Tackle Yourself

Plumbing Jobs you can Tackle Yourself

It’s no secret hiring a plumber can be a costly endeavor. But so can taking on a plumbing project that’s outside your skill level. You could be doing more harm than good, and you may have to hire a professional after all to fix your mistakes. Here we’ll break down...